A Tribute to Vulnerability

There’s a relief and release associated with vulnerability and transparency that cannot be properly explained with words.  It can be cathartic, sometimes even addicting.  (Just like in “Fight Club” when he goes around confessing in all these different help groups.)  But there’s a real purpose for it.  It helps you connect to others.

Somewhere along the way, students have had it ingrained within them that the teacher is the “expert.”  I don’t want this title.  I don’t want to be considered an expert at anything.  Expert level means there’s no room for growth, no room to learn anything new.  I want to have a growth mindset.

I haven’t always had a growth mindset.  As a matter of fact, I used to believe that intelligence and ability were static, unyielding entities.  Either you had it in you, or you simply didn’t.  But watching the seemingly miraculous work my mother accomplished with exceptional children in her 32 year career changed my outlook.  Seeing my own students–students who began as unmotivated, disconnected individuals–finish the year as connected, engaged learners showed me I was wrong.  The teacher and the environment can make the difference.

I do not know everything.  As a matter of fact, I’m okay with that because, as the old adage states, I don’t want to be a “sage on the stage,” but a “guide by the side.”  I want my students to be okay with not knowing–that’s how you grow.  That’s how you learn.  My entire academic career, I thought you had to be an expert to teach Social Studies–you had to know Jeopardy! type trivia and be able to answer every DOK 1 question with ease.  But that’s not my goal as a teacher.  I want the students to be at the center–not me.

And everyone CAN learn.  It’s not relegated to the few.  It’s there for anyone.  Are you modeling this mindset for your students?  I hope I am.  I’ve had some great models.

*Inspired by Joy Kirr, who recently tagged me in a blog post she wrote on vulnerability*

Why would anyone care what I think?

I learned a lot from a Twitter Chat tonight with Joy Kirr, the author of Shift This.  I used to view blogging as something that required an audience…but it’s not for the readers.  It’s for the writer.

I need a space to reflect, and maybe, just maybe, someone will learn from my reflections.  If not, that’s okay, too.  Reflection should be part of every educator’s routine.  Are things improving?  Why or why not?

I need this.  We’ll see where it goes.

Why I Tech

There has been a lot of buzz over the questions, “Why do you teach?” and “Why use technology in the classroom?”  Here’s my answer:

I teach to impact the future generation.  I tech to prepare the future generation.

In my class this year, students will have their own spaces for blogging about their experiences in 8th grade Social Studies.  We will also have a classroom Twitter account.

I am really excited about this journey and I hope you’ll follow along with us!